Teens Next Big Idea

A global challenge for teenager students to design, build, and fly drone. To earn success, students can participate individually or form a team upto 3 members and work together in a collaborative manner to build a drone for practical application.
Students ranging from the age group of 12 to 21 can participate in this challenge
There will be Two Categories: Secondary School 12 to 17 – University students Age 18 to 21

The phases

Participants must build a Drone and submit the Design for evaluation. The winners will be selected by voting and expert panel.


Getting together a team of 3 members to generating idea for which a drone can be used for practical application


The teams develop a working prototype of which the results can be measured based on problem Characteristics


Participants must build drone and submit it for evaluation. The winners will be selected by voting and expert panel.


Each drone will go through multiple evaluation process before they are selected as the winners


How accurately the drone can fly

Flight time

Drone should be able to sustain in the air for more than 3 minutes


Uniqueness of the idea and the practical application


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